A Home For Kids in The Arts
The C.R.O.W. Center for the Performing Arts
At the C.R.O.W. Center for the Performing Arts, we offer local children and teens much more than a part-time arts education. We offer them a #crowfamily.
This is where the magic happens...
But even Princesses, Wizards, Queens, & Superheroes have ongoing "wishes." Here are a few of ours.....
C.R.O.W.'s Wish List:
- Internet access and monthly service payment. We are frequently asked why we don't have "Wifi." The answer is simple. We can't afford the monthly payment....
- A Scenic Workshop built on the back of our property. (This metal "pole barn" or "insulated workshop" type building will provide extra space for storage of essential items such as large set pieces, costumes, and props) We need funding for this building, and also labor to install it!
- Wireless microphones for 10 students. Our body mics take a lot of abuse, and we are constantly in need of new ones to provide the best sound to our audiences. Here's the link to the type we utilize if you'd like to donate a microphone or two (Shure, Style j10):
- We also go through a lot of these (because kids can be hard on stuff): https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B019F35FZW/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
-Funding for utilities (Help us keep the heat on!) It's expensive to keep our doors open every month, and we don't have the regular income that many other local businesses might, since we don't charge kids to participate in our mainstage shows.
- Funding for educational materials, sets, props, costumes, and other ongoing expenses. We don't charge kids to participate in our mainstage musicals, and the funds have to come from somewhere. We need help!
-A Landscape Maintenance Service. We need monthly or bi-monthly help keeping our exterior landscaping looking nice. This is not something we have been able to maintain ourselves due to time constraints and lack of volunteers, and we wonder if there is a small group of friends out there that might take it upon themselves to help keep the outside of the C.R.O.W. Center for the Performing Arts in "show shape?"
-Funding for scholarships. Our goal is to never turn any child away due to lack of ability to pay for classes, workshops, or camps.